A Warped View of Teens

You know, I see a lot of really good posts about people’s kids. Honor rolls, graduations, achievements. What I do not see anymore (thank God) are the “I was whooped as a kid and the lack of whoopins is why kids today are bad” posts. The first part of it-Well, I’m not about to spend time […]

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Yay for Happiness!

Something about the back pain I’ve had for years coming to a head in January triggered a change in the weird “I must be the perfect weight or I can’t be happy” train of thought. This will come as a relief for a lot of the people in my life. Whether it’s the loss of the […]

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Risk Takers? Maybe…

Ken and I had a good long talk today about moving away from the area. We would definitely stay until Elizabeth graduates from high school, because she has already had her share of moving to new schools and it’s difficult for her. Our last move affected her for over a year. Plus I need time […]

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Stuff I Think About

1. You know, I really haven’t had much time to think about my uncle’s death, which is probably good, because when I think of people when they die, it’s usually how I’ve wronged them, and it takes a good deal of time for me to really remember the good. Last night I had a dream about […]

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Because I’m Happy

I wrote a bunch, hit a random button on my computer and everything was deleted. Why doesn’t every word processor have automatic “save draft” like google mail? Dumb, dumb, dumb. 1. I was talking about how my back feels better than it has in 20 years. I started having problems as a teen. When we’d march […]

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To Blog or Not to Blog

Yesterday someone recommended to me (again) that I blog, or journal. It’s been recommended a million times before, but I’ve never really had journaling get anything off my chest. Usually it makes me more irritated than I already am. However, I’m willing to try again. I really can’t type what is bothering me, because all […]

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