So-and-So, That Paragon of Positivity

Since I’m in a pensive mood today, and also a bit hypomanic, tons of things are on my mind, all swirling around in my brain and I happen to catch one now and then. One thing on my mind is hearing endlessly about So-and-So who has a chronic illness and never, ever complains. I’m happy […]

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Erratic Thoughts

No, that said “ERRATIC THOUGHTS”. If you think it said “erotic thoughts”, you’ll be disappointed. I found out a few weeks ago that our next-door neighbor from our old place died of a brain tumor, and she was slightly younger than me. It was shocking news to hear, and I thought a lot about her a lot […]

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I thought I’d share one of the tools I use for insomnia. I discovered ASMR about a year and a half ago. Actually, I’ve had it all my life and didn’t know it had a name until about a year and a half ago. ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. It is described as […]

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Just a Really Good Day

The first thing I did this morning was step on the scale. I do that every 2-3 weeks, so that I stay mindful and don’t let my weight get any more out of hand than it already is. I was happy to see I’ve lost a pound and a half. It’s a small thing, but that started […]

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Facebook Addiction

I am once again smack in the throes of a Facebook addiction. Now, we all have our challenges, and this one seems SO stupid, but it’s real. Social media is a bipolar obsessive/compulsive’s worst nightmare.  There is so many rewards associated with Facebook especially, it’s asinine. Pictures, likes, comments, links, interaction, interaction, interaction, a forum to […]

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Stop Raining, Please.

I didn’t think I was going to get anything done yesterday, I feltso tired. But I finally got my butt moving at 1:00, mowed half the yard (we have a big yard), trimmed, weeded my garden boxes, weeded around our trees and noticed the geraniums are growing-my dad said they were impossible to kill, YAY-watered […]

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